Monday, March 6, 2017

The NEW Fine Motor Company Created by OTs

Have you heard? The NEW Handwriting products that are sweeping the nation have a funny name but serious results!

Fundanoodle stands for FUN, FunDAmental skill development, and using your NOODLE!

I heard about Fundanoodle through another OT and researched it. I was addicted immediately! The products are created with quality and are extremely colorful. Each tool is designed to teach a critical developmental skill. Their target age is 3-6 years BUT we all know that many of the kids we work with need much more practice on motor skills and enjoy fun and engaging 'toys' that build functional skills. 

One of the most popular products is the 'Pound-It Kit.' The amazing thing is the hammer. It feels awesome in the hands and the head is weighted for extra proprioceptive input. Want more information about proprioception? Check out our earlier post about Sensory Processing Disorder HERE. 

Why hammering? OTs know that hammering is one of the activities designed to establish hand dominance. The kit comes with colorful plastic (not sharp) pegs which are pounded by the child into a foam block. There are so many shapes, letters, numbers, kids can design by pounding through specially designed paper templates. See the example below.

So, my next question is how long does this block last.....I was amazed at how long! No kidding, this thing can stand up to serious clinic use.

The books are equally as awesome! They are bound at the top for both left and right handed writing. Books on writing, drawing, letters, numbers, cursive, print, and activities are designed for fun while teaching critical skills. Click here for a sample pack.

In addition to the workbooks, Fundanoodle’s products include a variety of hands-on activities that are designed to combat the negative impact of touch screen technology. Organized in developmentally appropriate progression, Fundanoodle activities encourage interactive learning, develop focus and build the muscles necessary for classroom success.

Next up.......Magnetic LETTER pieces. We all know how letters are build out of pieces and now you can show your child HOW to build them. This set comes with magnetic and color-coded alphabet key so kids can play ALL day.
I encourage my clients to create a letter, then trace the letter with their finger. Next, use shaving creme, foam, sandpaper, or putty to trace and create the letter to add a sensory and kinesthetic component. 

On to the scissors. They seriously cut the paper but NOT HAIR! I have long locks and was brave enough to try them myself. This is any parent's dream.

The cutting book is fabulous too. Here's a pic:

There are muscle mover card sets for GROSS Motor skill building. We all need brain breaks and the activity ideas on the cards are both fun and engaging. Click HERE to read our earlier post about the importance of brain breaks and movement. Each card has a traceable (via dry-erase marker) letter in either upper or lower case and then an awesome movement activity to help children to add movement as they learn to write the letter. SO fun!

Read below to see why gross motor skills are necessary.

Have you noticed I'm in LOVE
No, I didn't create the products but I am so in love, in fact that I joined the company! 

I was lucky enough to join as a founding ambassador and feel lucky to be on the team. If you're interested, let me know

If not.....that's ok but you don't want to miss trying out some of the products. Show your OT, teacher, friends, and family what all the talk is about! 

Want to purchase? Click HERE to view our products.

Here are this month's purchase specials:

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